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Training Survey

Dear evaluated Applicant, please take the steps below to give us all the necessary information.
You'll need to fill out three main forms, which are state required.
Fill out "pre-fill" section and hit Submit
then all forms will be available and pre-filled for you.

pre-Fill Section

*Your phone number will be not disclosed to third parties and will be used only with tuition purposes, updated info about costs or discount can be sent to you but ONLY on behalf of NSTS. After finishing tuition you can either send us STOP to sign off of the campaigns or stay signed.

Forms need to be filled out

Applicant Forms Ico


1 Applicant
2 Agreement
3 Data Collection


1 Online Training
2 pre-Trip Test
3 Backing Test
4 City Test


1 preTrip Certificate
2 Backing Certificate
3 City Certificate


1 inner pre-Test
3 reTest

Tests Details

In-Cab/Brake TEST
Outside TEST
Parallel Parking TEST
90-Degr. Parking TEST
City Driving TEST

Evaluations Details

pre-Trip Evaluation 0
Backing Evaluation 0
City Evaluation 0

Your Future Career

Dear student,
After graduation, you will most likely spend extensive time looking for maximum pay job. Sign in Bolt Career with your current email and let employers track your learning progress. Future employers will be able to see your employment preferences and contact you with job offers.

Good luck in your future career!



Main Data

Course or Program

Transmission Type

Tuition Start Date

Tuition End Date

Enrollment Status

Full-time or Part-time

Cources Progress

Quiz Progress

Online Tuition Progress

Expulsion Work

Days visited at

Days visited at

Days visited at

Solid period not visiting School

SMS notifications sent

Dismissals sent

Create Appointments Here

Your Current Limits

Can you schedule more for 2 next weeks?

Straight & Combination Backing


90-Degree Backing


City Driving


Calendar of appointments

Building your schedule...


*blank cells

create a new appointment

*gray cells

not working hours

*blue cells

occupied hours

*marron-blue cells

hours occupied by you

Scheduled Appointments

Activity This Week Next Week Scheduling History Total Course
Straight Backing0000
90-Degree Backing0000
Combination Backing0000
City Driving0000
Grand Total0000

Your Scheduling for next 2 weeks

You have 0 appointments scheduled